Analysis of Conditions for Regional Positioning in the Global Economy

The purpose of this study was to identify solid arguments to encourage the various state governments and the federal government to maintain a strong commitment to the implementation of an agenda for economic and social development of the Southeast of Mexico.

Study Characterization

This study is an effort to be proactive in terms of new land public  policies that are outlined in the National Development Plan, and to  apply them to a region or  specific case in Mexico. FOA Consulting conceptualized the development of the Southeast Region in the framework of sectoral and regional integration strategy  for  the country which in turn follows  three basic guidelines: 1) economic growth, 2) regional  balance and  3) social cohesion and streghtening of  the federal pact.

Methodological Strenghts

The methodology focused on key issues of regional development such as:

Analysis of production chains, natural assets and human capital in the region.

Identify the characteristics of the region and its comparison with other emerging regions of the world.

Identify the potential benefits of a regional joint work, especially in creating jobs (based on adjacent topics such as attracting investment, joint image of the region with potential sectors for domestic and foreign investment, export growth in the region and convenience of developing joint economic activities in the region).

Inclusion of other elements that can strengthen the commitment of public and private actors in the region to work together.

Value of the study

This study was published by a leading institution of international development, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The study also raised an argument of commitment within the public agenda for the development  of one of the most economically depressed regions in Mexico.


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