Clusters studies


Study for the promotion of industrial clusters in several economic sectors.

Analysis of industrial clusters an development of an action plan for promotion at the national and international levels.

Objetive of the study

The study objectives were: the development of the national and state diagnoses for the development of Strategic Action Plans to promote clusters in the following sectors: Electronics, Food and Beverages, Fish (seafood processing), Jewelry and Fiber-Textile-Garment in various states of Mexico.

The plans incorporated the vision and experience of the relevant agents of each cluster, to reach agreements in order to facilitate the implementation of specific projects.

Fostering economic activity

The objectives for each cluster included achieving an increased domestic production and export base and expand the national, regional and local inputs incorporated into production.

Our services

We performed the following tasks:

  • the structural analysis of the sectors
  • international and national diagnosis
  • analysis of global trends
  • specific diagnosis of clusters, identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
  • on that basis, propose the Strategic Plan and the Plan of Action of the cluster, including specific programs for strengthening productive chains.


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