Clusters studies
Design of strategic plans and action to take or develop the competitive advantages of industrial clusters.
Design of strategic plans and action to encourage the best performance of industries and productive sectors, by use or development of competitive advantages with the concept of industrial clusters (clusters).
Related Representative projects
Study for the impulse of petrochemical cluster in Veracruz
FOA Consulting conducted the study of the petrochemical cluster, with the aim of promoting the development of this indus...
Study for the promotion of industrial clusters in several economic sectors.
Analysis of industrial clusters an development of an action plan for promotion at the national and international levels.
Investment Attraction Plan for the Industrial Port of Altamira
Strategic planning for the location of productive enterprises in the areas of industrial development of the port of Alta...
Investment Attraction Plan for the Industrial Port of Lazaro Cardenas
Strategic planning for the location of productive enterprises in the areas of industrial development of the port of Laza...